10 Ways to make $2,000 a week


10 Ways to Make $2,000 a week. 

Dear Reader 

In a post covid world, everyone is wanting to step away from a 9-5 job and enter into a new phase of their lives. A phase where, working from home is the new norm, and side hustlers are hustling. But did you know you can make $2,000 a week in side-hustles. 

Keep reading to find out how I make this amount per week and I let you know how you can make the same.

1. Surveys. 

Surveys are an underrated way to make money. I know what you are thinking, All the survey platforms I use are only paying me 30 cents per survey, and I get screened out. I get you, I hate those platforms too.
A tip I can share with you, is CONSISTENCY. Make sure you are putting in correct details about yourself, and make sure you are refreshing these sites constantly to make the most of your time and to get higher paying surveys. I will link my favourite surveys below.

PureProfile is my fav the platform continuously brings in new surveys and they can be easily done from your phone, Eg. $5 per 10 min, which can therefore make you $30 per hour just from one survey platform. Sign up for PureProfile here 

Octopus Group is a fav because they have high paying surveys, for a short amount of your time, best done on a laptop or computer. Sign up for Octopus Group here.

2. Reselling 

I love online shopping, but don't get me wrong, it does come with some challenges. Trying a new brand and you have no idea what your size is, I like to wing it, sometimes I get it right, sometimes I get it wrong. The beauty of this is that if I get it wrong on something cheap, I prefer to resell through Ebay so I don't have to pay for shipping back to the company. If the item was on special I like to wait, for it to a) sell out or 
b) go back to full price 
I then resell it, so I can make a bit of extra money A great way to earn some extra income. 

3. Cashback apps 

I am obsessed with SHOPBACK what a fantastic platform. I think its super underrated. IT CAN SAVE YOU SO MUCH MONEY! Some great cash back offers currently include

- THE ICONIC (20%)
- AMAZON (10%)
- COLES (10%)

These are brands we shop with every week and most people do not take advantage of these applications. Also, what I especially love with Shopback is that the money you get back (once it has come back to your shopback account) you can withdraw that and put in straight back into your bank account. 

Also if you sign up with this link and make your first purchase using shopback you will get $10, FOR FREE, FREE MONEY, YES PLEASE! 

4. Tutor Online 

What are you good at? Okay let's make money from it. You can advertise yourself online, using flyers, word-of-mouth, Facebook community groups. I love this way of making money, because everybody is good at something and everyone is not good at everything, so we can all learn from someone. 

5. Sell self-made items

This one goes with my fourth point, if you are creative, use that to sell your own products. You can start selling on eBay, and expand when it is time to do so. This could include: 

- Candles
- Ceramics 
- Art & Prints 
- Special occasion cards 
- beaded bracelets 
- more....

Others I like include: 

6. Babysitting 
7. Pet sitting or dog walking 
8. Trading 
9. Upload and sell stock photos 
10. work remotely as a social media manager 

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment. I will release another blog for tips and tricks soon. Let me know what topics you would like discussed! 

Love Chloe xoxo


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